Letter from the Chair, September 15, 2017


From the Chairman:  Republicans Invite President Trump to Elbert County –
How do you think President Trump is doing?  Where does the Republican Party stand in its support of the President?  We continue to be asked those questions.  To make it very clear where we stand, at least as the Republican Party in Elbert County, we put our position down in writing.   The (Letter)signed by members of our Central Committee, indicates our “unwavering” support of the President and his agenda to Make America Great Again.  We invited him to be the guest speaker at our 2018 Lincoln Day Dinner and said we continue to be appalled by the lame stream media!  Chances are slim he will come out to little old Elbert County, but I’m glad we showed our support and gave him some encouragement.


Tom Peterson
Chairman, Elbert County Republicans
[email protected]  (303) 229-6710

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