DONATE In support of limited, constitutional government; freedom and liberty in Elbert County, Colorado and our country! God bless you! Donations to a political party are not tax deductible.
Showing 218 reactions
Keenan Orcutt donated
2022-04-11 14:22:40 -0600
Jason Lipman donated
2022-04-11 07:02:13 -0600
Chris Summerlin donated
2022-04-10 07:46:46 -0600
Judith Allen donated
2022-04-07 12:57:02 -0600
Judith Allen donated
2022-04-07 12:50:01 -0600
Brian Janes donated
2022-04-06 15:21:51 -0600
Connie Perkins donated
2022-04-03 16:22:25 -0600
Herbert Higgins donated
2022-04-03 13:19:46 -0600
Byron McDaniel donated
2022-04-02 12:24:43 -0600
Bob Ware donated
2022-04-02 10:21:03 -0600
Patricia Moore Weskamp donated
2022-04-01 10:44:53 -0600
Showing 218 reactions