Elected Officials Contact

Contact your elected officials and let them know how they are doing.  Make sure your voice is heard.

United States President:

Joe Biden - website

United States Senators:

Senator John Hickenlooper (D)

B85 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

(202) 224-5941

Website:  hickenlooper.senate.gov


Senator Michael Bennet (D)

Washington, DC Office: (202) 224-5852

Denver Office: (303) 455-7600


Website: bennet.senate.gov

United States House of Representatives:

Congressman Greg Lopez (R)

Email: TBD

Website: TBD

Colorado Governor:

 Jared Polis (D) - Contact Governor Polis

Colorado State Senator:  

Senator Rod Pelton (R)

COUNTIES : Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Crowley, El Paso, Elbert, Huerfano, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Otero, Prowers

Capital PHone: 303-866-4884

Email: [email protected]

Websites: https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/rod-pelton,  www.peltonforcolorado.com

Colorado House of Representatives:

 Representative Rod Bockenfeld (R)

COUNTIES : Adams, Arapahoe, Cheyenne, El Paso, Elbert, Kit Carson, Lincoln

Capital PHone: 303-866-2912

Email: [email protected]

Websites: https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/rod-bockenfeld, http://www.bockenfeld.com/

Colorado Secretary of State:

Jena Griswold (D)


1700 Broadway
Suite 200
Denver, CO 80290

Website:  www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/info_center/contact.html

Colorado Attorney General:

Phil Weiser (D)

Office of the Attorney General
Colorado Department of Law
Ralph L. Carr Judicial Building
1300 Broadway, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203

(720) 508-6000

Contact:  www.coag.gov/about-us/contact-colorado-office-attorney-general/

County Elected Officials:

County Commissioners:

Assessor Team:

Susan Murphy, Assessor,  Zachary Trester, Chief Deputy Assessor,  Nikki Levitre, Administration,  Greg Toles, GIS Analyst, Bailey Nicholas, Lead Appraiser,  Mike Nolan, Appraiser,  Lori Ellefson, Appraiser, Austin Anton, Assessment Technician.

More information about the assessors office can be found at https://www.elbertcounty-co.gov/556/Meet-The-Assessor-Team

Additional Resources Chairman's Club

Elbert County Republicans