The Elbert County Republicans and the Elbert County Republican Women are pleased to offer two fully funded scholarships to attend The Centennial Institute’s "Young Conservatives Leadership Conference II".
Discover your potential, envision your future, and be inspired for freedom. Spend an extraordinary week at Colorado Christian University with like minded young Americans, enjoying the Colorado summer, while gaining the knowledge and skills to do your part in keeping our country great.
- June 21-28 at Colorado Christian University
Elbert County students age 16-20 who desire to work on leadership development, learn about politics in a free society, make new friends, and share ideas about America’s future.
Sessions will Cover:
- What are the great issues of the coming decade?
- Why is America exceptional among the nations?
- How should God and politics interact?
- What’s your role in citizenship and leadership?
- Who are the thinkers and role models you can trust?
Students will participate in Western Conservative Summit 2015 as well.
Apply No Later than Friday, June 5th, 2015.
Scholarship includes:
- 7 days. ALL INCLUSIVE: lodging, meals, activities and transportation in Denver.
- Two attendees will be selected at random from all applicants
- Applicants must attend the entire conference.
See more info at:
Use the RSVP Form below to Apply.
NOTE: Two attendees will be chosen from all eligible applicants at random. Use of the RSVP Form indicates your interest to apply - it does not guarantee a seat at the conference.