A Word from the Chairman, May 8, 2021

 A Word from the Chairman: 

We are so proud of the Elbert County community and the tremendous support of the National Day of Prayer – Elbert County on May 6.  The event was very well attended and supported by area churches with pastors leading a program intended to “ … thank God for our many blessings and ask for continued guidance and strength.”  The Elbert County Board of County Commissioners approved a Proclamation in recognition of the Day and there were many Elbert County Republicans in support and in attendance.  Much thanks to Deana Miller and her team for all the coordination, planning, and promotion. 

Several of us ventured up to Denver on April 27 to hear Colorado Republican Chair Kristi Burton Brown at a luncheon.  We are impressed by her vision and passion for conservative values, see more info below.  Tickets are going fast for our Lincoln Day Dinner planned for June 12.  This is a highlight of our annual calendar and we hope you can join us.  Let me know if you have any feedback or join us on May 28 for our monthly “Coffee with Republicans.”  More info below.

Tom Peterson


Elbert County Republicans

[email protected]

(303) 229-6710          

From the Republican PlatformIn a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given, inalienable rights of its citizens.  These constitutional rights are not negotiable for any American.    

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