I am writing on behalf of a potential candidate for governor and I have a few questions,
1) What are the email addresses and phone numbers for the county party officers?
2) When are your Lincoln and Reagan Dinners? Are there opportunities to speak?
3) When are the executive committee meetings? Are there opportunities to speak?
4) Is there an available calendar of upcoming events?
Thank you for your help!
All the best,
Rory Carlin
Nelson Brugh commented
2016-08-28 10:51:04 -0600
I have noticed a most curious aspect of this election cycle. I see no yard posters, no bumpers stickers for either the Republican or Democrat candidate. Now this is not a scientific study, just my casual awareness. In all my years by this point of an election I usually see many yard signs and bumper stickers. I used to be an active precinct committee person but that was a decade ago. I have not heard or seen of anywhere to get a Trump sticker or yard sign. If they are available through the ECR committee if someone would share with me how to get some I would appreciate it. Regardless or what each may think of Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump was the Party nominee and as a Republican I should support that. Thank you.
P.S. Am I wrong in my perception of very low to no visible support stickers and yard signs for both candidates?
John Holum commented
2016-07-18 20:05:51 -0600
I must say that the republicans from our state that walked out of the RNC in Cleveland because they’re a bunch of little cry babies was pathetic and this is just to let you know that my family and myself and anyone I talk to in the future will be turning our backs on the republicans and turning independent for our views are no longer coinciding !!!!!!
Danny Willcox followed this page
2016-05-18 04:46:43 -0600
Danny Willcox commented
2016-04-04 17:47:59 -0600
test email
Laura Peacore-Belveal commented
2016-03-12 15:51:16 -0700
I was told that the straw poll results for the caucus would be posted here. Where are the results?
Where can I find results of the straw poll taken the night of the caucus? I’m interested to know if I blindly handed my precious vote to a delegate who will or will not likely represent my views.
J.H. & Marlys Schroeder followed this page
2016-03-03 10:13:11 -0700
Kurt Schlegel commented
2016-03-03 09:44:10 -0700
Looking for results of informal straw poll, taken after the completion of the Caucus, for the 2016 Presidential race
Joan Eckhardt commented
2016-03-02 11:32:42 -0700
I am very unhappy about the Republican Caucus last night. Who sold us out, so that we have no say in choosing the Republican Nominee for President. In my opinion, the communication by the party officials is sorely lacking! Why wasn’t I notified that there would be no vote at the caucus? Why did I waste my precious time and effort attending the caucus, when Colorado voters were not allowed to cast their votes for the Presidential Candidates? I am so angry that I may become a registered Independent!
Rob Dryer commented
2016-03-01 10:48:25 -0700
Sorry, need to cancel RSVP.
Christopher Richardson
published this page
2016-02-27 10:42:24 -0700
Christopher Richardson
published this page
2015-04-17 11:12:10 -0600
Showing 74 reactions
I am writing on behalf of a potential candidate for governor and I have a few questions,
1) What are the email addresses and phone numbers for the county party officers?
2) When are your Lincoln and Reagan Dinners? Are there opportunities to speak?
3) When are the executive committee meetings? Are there opportunities to speak?
4) Is there an available calendar of upcoming events?
Thank you for your help!
All the best,
Rory Carlin
P.S. Am I wrong in my perception of very low to no visible support stickers and yard signs for both candidates?
Where can I find results of the straw poll taken the night of the caucus? I’m interested to know if I blindly handed my precious vote to a delegate who will or will not likely represent my views.