Letter From The Chair 4.17.2016

State Assembly

Elbert County, State Assembly, Some of Elbert County Delegates

The Chairman's Blog:

These are interesting times in Colorado politics.  This past week I have heard different viewpoints from concerned party members. I consider these individuals good, rock solid, freedom fighting Republicans.  Some are fed up and angry. Others want to know how the process works and how it can be changed.  I've also heard from others who are unclear on what is going on.  These conversations prompted this posting. On one hand, I'm just another voice in the crowd.  On the other hand, as County Chairman, I can offer a perspective that might be of interest and/or helpful, to Republicans in Elbert County.  Here are a few observations. Please remember as the Republican Party Chair I am here to offer information so you as individuals can make informed decisions. 

*         There are varying perspectives from party members, some make an argument that the current system needs to change which would include a Presidential Primary. While others claim there is corruption and that party officials, the so called establishment, are manipulating results, compromising the voting process, are biased and show favoritism to various candidates.  Kurt Schlegel, an Elbert County Republican, and a Trump for President supporter who attended the State Assembly and elected at the Congressional District 4 Assembly as a Delegate Alternate to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, has provided the attached viewpoint, (Colorado Politics-KCS-04-13-2016).  Kurt provides a supportive argument for the Presidential Primary process.  He also explains the current process and in his opinion, the rules were followed.  Attached are the rules that were approved for the Assembly (2016 State Assembly and Convention Proposed Rules).  Please review the attachments and form you own opinion.

*         Elbert County Republicans had 37 delegates and 20 alternates at the Republican State Assembly in Colorado Springs on Saturday, April 9.  Thirty five or so, approximately 2/3rds, were there for the first time.  This included 18 year old Sierra Hirsch from Precinct 2 - north of Elizabeth.  It was my first Assembly as County Chairman and I was impressed by the efficiency and professionalism of the Credentials Committee and the Teller Committee. There were over 600 nominations for delegates to the National Convention.  The National Delegate nomination and voting process was time consuming and tedious. 

*         An Assembly highlight for many was the nomination and acceptance speech process for US Senate.  There were eight candidates and going in no clear favorite.  Many thought that we might not have a single candidate get the required 30% on the first ballot to be on the June primary.  That is until Daryl Glenn spoke.  He grabbed the microphone and announced that he was a "unashamed constitutional Christian conservative" and walked off 10 minutes later to a standing ovation.  He received over 70% of the vote on the first ballot and his speech has gone viral, see below!!

Darryl Glenn 2016 CO GOP State Convention Speech 

It's anyone's guess what will happen in Cleveland and how the rest of the election process will shake out.   Moving forward, I do believe there will be plenty of discussion and a push to make Colorado a presidential primary state in 2020.  I do hope that a day will come, sooner than later, that we as conservative Republicans can work together to address the concerns that should unite us ....

Why are you a Republican?  I'm concerned with ....

*      the disregard of the US Constitution 
*      the erosion of our freedom
*      fiscal irresponsibility of government
*      the drifting away of an "In God We Trust" country 

Hope to see you at our Lincoln Day Dinner - 6:00pm, Saturday, April 30, 2016. 
Lincoln Day Dinner Link 


Tom Peterson


Elbert County Republican Central Committee

Additional Resources Chairman's Club

Elbert County Republicans