We Thank Our County Commissioners:
We have hit the 200 day mark since our 3 county commissioners
took the oath of office in January. Republican Commissioners Danny Willcox, Chris Richardson, and Grant Thayer have formed a great team
and have already developed an impressive list of accomplishments. Consider the following;
- Three Commissioners working together in a very collaborative, professional manner for the good of the county's residents.
- Restructured BOCC meetings to provide for more discussion of issues prior to taking action and greatly increased opportunities for public input.
- Adopted policy for Strategic Planning to ensure the County Establishes and accomplishes measurable goals that support our vision, mission, and values.
- Established Contingency Fund ($500K) and Stability Fund ($3.2M) with initial proceeds from the Rush Creek Wind Farm. These two funds will allow the county to continue to provide a consistent level of service to our citizens through any future economic downturns such as the recent housing slump.
- Roads –
- Completed a complete Pavement Condition Assessment to determine the effectiveness of the current asphalt maintenance program and prioritize future projects.
- Approved traffic count studies for main gravel roadways and condition assessment of all county bridges to support a county-wide update of the current Western Elbert County Transportation Plan.
- Hired an experienced Public Works Director to oversee county road and bridge program.
- Published a series of three letters to our citizens outlining our road issues.
- Acquired the vacant Bank of the West Building at well below professionally appraised value without taking on any new debt and ensuring adequate space for county operations for decades to come.
- Converted potential minerals value into actual revenue ($90K) through leasing of minerals under county owned roads.
- Continuing to review procedures for getting info to the public and public input and working to continuously improve.
We thank Commissioners Richardson, Willcox, and Thayer for their hard work and commitment to conservative values. We appreciate all they are doing on behalf of the citizens of Elbert County.
Tom Peterson, Chairman
Elbert County Republicans
(303) 229-6710 [email protected]