A Word from the Chairman:
We are very excited about the great work the Colorado Republican Party is doing under the direction of new Chairwoman, Kristi Burton Brown. Chairwoman Brown has hit the ground running on her agenda to help Colorado to turn to the right and focus the Party on kids, jobs and the American Dream. The most recent e-newsletter from the Colorado Republican Party is shown at the bottom of this message.
Also, tickets are on sale for our Lincoln Day Dinner planned for Saturday, June 12. We expect to sell out, so purchase your tickets early. We are always looking for your input, feedback and suggestions. Discussed below are the results from our recent survey and it’s not too late to voice in. Join us for our monthly Coffee with the Chairman on Friday, April 30, @ 9:30am at Isabel’s Coffee in Elizabeth.
Hope to see you soon,
Tom Peterson
Elbert County Republicans
(303) 229-6710
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