A Word from the Chairman

A Word from the Chairman: 

Momentum is building towards the 2020 General Election.  An election with two very distinct perspectives and platforms.  The Republican platform of law and order, free market economics, and the protection of our freedoms versus the Democrat agenda that supports raising taxes on middle-class families, policies that would decimate our oil & gas industry, and advocating for a full government takeover of healthcare. The Trump Campaign is committed to Colorado and are pumping a ton of resources to win the state and support Cory Gardner.  Our Summer Picnic held on July 25 was a huge success.  State Representative Richard Holtorf, State Senator Jerry Sonnenberg, Commissioners Grant Thayer, Chris Richardson, and Rick Pettitt were all in attendance along with DA Candidate John Kellner and Governor candidate Greg Lopez.  Over $2,500 was raised in support of our Republican efforts.  Our float in the Elbert County Parade was a YUGE success!  2 huge trailers all TRUMPed up. 

We continue to contact voters locally.  Phone bank parties are being held, teams are knocking on doors, Trump and Gardner Signs are going up, and we are hosting voter registration tables including one Saturday in Kiowa.  One local concern is a petition effort in Kiowa to legalize the sale of marijuana.  The Town Council voted it down at its meeting in July but a citizen led petition is putting it on the ballot.  This is something that we will weigh in on.  We are planning a Trump Train BBQ for September 26.    Trump Yard Signs are available at a number of locations in Elizabeth and Kiowa, more information below.  In closing, we are always looking for more volunteers.  Let me know if interested in helping out and thanks for the help. 


In support of freedom,


Tom Peterson


Elbert County Republicans

[email protected]

(303) 229-6710

Additional Resources Chairman's Club

Elbert County Republicans