A Word from the Chairman:
2018 has all the early indications of being an exciting election year. Control of the US Senate at the national level is a key issue, a crowded governor’s race, and several competitive local elections here in Elbert County. I am impressed by the quality of our Republican candidates. We have posted information on each of them on the ECR website, this includes our first announced candidate for county commissioner District 2. The key qualities that I’m looking for in any candidate are their experience, education, demonstrated commitment to Republican values, understanding of key issues, and plan if elected. You can meet each of the Republican candidates running for Elbert County office at the Elbert County Republican Women sponsored Meet the Republican Candidate Forum planned for 7:00pm, Thursday, March 15, at Legacy Academy. Shown below are important dates of the 2018 election and opportunities for you to get connected and involved. Hopefully, we will see you along the way as we volunteer and work together to advance the principles of limited, efficient, constitutional government.
Tom Peterson
Chairman, Elbert County Republicans
[email protected]; (303) 229-6710
Elbert County Republican - 2018 Election
Precinct Caucus – Tuesday, March 6; 6:30pm – Check in; 7:00pm – meeting start time.
Locations: Precincts 1 – 5: Running Creek Elementary School
Precincts 6 – 10: Singing Hills Elementary School
Precinct 11: Mercantile Building – Elbert
Precinct 12: Rattlesnake Fire District – Sun Country
Precinct 13, 14: Kiowa School – Kiowa
Precinct 15: Simla Police Department Community Room
Check the Secretary of State website: www.govotecolorado.com to verify your precinct. Or contact ECR Secretary, Carol Hinds, at [email protected]
Republican Candidate Meet & Greet – Thursday, March 15
6:30pm – Refreshments; 7:00pm – Meeting Start Time; Legacy Academy: Just west of Walmart – Elizabeth; Sponsored by the Elbert County Republican Women. www.elbertcountyrepublicanwomen.com
County Assembly – Saturday, March 24
10:30am Registration and Check in; 12:00noon Start; Elbert County Fairgrounds – Kiowa
Colorado State Assembly - Saturday, April 14
12:00noon; Boulder Event Center
Lincoln Day Dinner – Saturday, May 5
Elbert County Fairgrounds – Kiowa; 5:00pm Social Hour and Silent Auction; 6:00pm – Dinner and Program; Tickets available online at www.elbertcountyrepublicans.com.